Whether you're dreading the in-store crowds or stressing to find the perfect gift for those you love, being frugal most likely isn't at the top of your list. Responsible frugal consumption is certainly not easy, especially with the social pressures that come with gift giving. The pressure to give a personalized, quality gift for your friends and family is real!
Frugal is the way forward, but how can you incorporate frugality when picking out gifts? We have developed three tips below which will help you gift more frugally.
1. Gifting Experiences
For my birthday this year, my friends gifted me a visit to a Cat Café instead of giving a traditional gift. I was overjoyed not only at the prospect of getting to pet cute kittens while drinking coffee, but also at the idea that my friends had given this thought-out and personalized gift. Gifting experiences is not a new idea; plenty of companies aimed at selling experiences exist across the Internet.
How do you find the right experience to gift? Start by writing down their hobbies and interests—is there a particular musician they have always wanted to see? Or maybe a place that they have never been to before that you think they would enjoy? Not only is gifting an experience frugal, but can be a great way to earn the reputation of a creative gift giver.
2. Use What You Have
Unless you are an ardent minimalist, chances are that you have unwanted or unused items around your home. If you are a crafty person like me, you probably have plenty of supplies you can use to create a lovely gift. Here are a few examples of fun gifts you can make from materials in the house:
Plant Hanger: Greenery can freshen up any space, which makes giving a plant an easy gift idea. To elevate this gift, you can use rope found around the house to make a homemade plant hanger. There are many Youtube videos that explain how to do simple as well as more intricate designs. You can personalize the gift further by picking a plant that suits them!
Potpourri Bowl: One idea is to purchase some potpourri and find a glass vase, jar, or decorative bowl you aren't using around your home. Potpourri is made up of dried plants, fruits, and flowers and can come in a variety of different scent bundles, such as rose or citrus. If you are feeling particularly creative, there are even tutorials online that can be used to make your own potpourri from your garden or store-bought plants. After selecting a potpourri scent that your loved one will enjoy, fill the bowl with it and gift it to them! Potpourri is pleasantly fragrant and can beautifully decorate any room, which makes it a delightful gift for any loved one.
3. Tell Me What You Want, What You Really, Really Want!
Finally, the best tip we can give to gift frugally is to ask your friends what they need and what they will actually use long-term. For one Secret Santa event this year, I asked for a new wallet, as the one I had been using for years had fallen apart. Instead of being gifting something I might use once or twice, I got something I will be able to use for years!
It can be awkward to ask someone outright what they need, but you can be creative by asking all your friends to use a Secret Santa website where they can put direct links to what gifts they would like and list their hobbies. Even if you do not plan to do Secret Santa, it is still useful as you can anonymously view what others have uploaded to their lists!
Hopefully these ideas will help you to be sustainable, frugal, and creative this holiday season! Have another idea to share? Comment it down below!